As the temperature rises, your appliances have to work harder. To make sure they stay in good working order, your air conditioner, refrigerator and washer require more care during the hot summer months. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your appliances running smoothly this summer. Refrigerator Your refrigerator works hard all the time, but […]

Your microwave is an appliance that lasts a long time and is probably an important part of your daily life. Nothing lasts forever, including microwaves. Sometimes a repair to a microwave can keep it going a little longer, but sooner or later, it’s time for a replacement. There are some unmistakable signs that it’s time […]

If your refrigerator isn’t cooling, you may notice that your food isn’t lasting as long as it used to or that your drinks don’t seem cold. You’ll need to find out what’s wrong as quickly as you can. Some causes are fairly simple, while others may require the help of an appliance professional. 1. The […]

Like all appliances, washers and dryers don’t last forever. When you’ve had a working washer and dryer for your laundry and are used to the convenience they provide, it can be upsetting when they stop working correctly. If either your washer or dryer starts having problems, you may think the best thing to do is […]

Your dishwasher is an appliance you may take for granted until it’s not working right. It’s no fun to have to hand wash and dry your dishes when you’re used to the convenience of a working dishwasher, but like all appliances, dishwashers sometimes need to be repaired or replaced. There are several telltale signs that […]

The last thing you want to see when you’re doing laundry is a puddle under your washing machine, or water leaking from the back or front of the machine. Before you can decide whether it’s worth it to repair your washing machine, you need to find out why it’s leaking. Some problems may be minor […]

The part that produces the spark that allows the burners on a gas stove to work is called an igniter. It’s a fairly common problem for the igniter to eventually cause problems or stop working altogether. Your LA county appliance repair company is only a phone call away if you’re having problems with your stove […]

A refrigerator that isn’t cooling can be pretty frustrating. After all, if a fridge can’t keep your food cold, then what’s the point of having one? Before you get frustrated, try these easy troubleshooting tips: Check the Doors If you notice that your fridge is suddenly warmer than usual, consider the possibility that the door […]

Kids aren’t too picky about where their toys have been and between the bathroom floor, kitchen floor, and the occasional outdoor venture, toys get pretty dirty. But you, as the parent, are probably too aware of the germs that your kid’s favorite toy may be carrying. Fortunately, cleaning your child’s toys may be as simple […]

How cold should my refrigerator be? You should aim for 36 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit. Too hot or too cold means that you may have an underlying issue. What are normal refrigerator sounds? Like most appliances, refrigerators are not silent. Clicking, whirling and even a bit of gargling can be normal when it comes to […]